Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the Ecolab training frequently asked questions page. Here you will find answers to some of the common questions asked about our online training program.
What is the optimum internet browser for viewing the training?
Browser specifications:
At Ecolab we deliver our customers the highest possible standard in quality and technology. In building our online training
platform we have incorporated the latest platform in web development. This allows our online training program to be accessible
on the highest level of internet browsers.
To ensure the optimum experience for our customers it is recommended that our Ecolab training modules be viewed in the following browsers:
If you're using Internet Explorer 8 or lower, please update your browser. It takes a few seconds and makes your online experience much more enjoyable.
How do I navigate through the modules?
Navigation through the training modules is simple. Please find below an explanation of the navigation features we believe will help you:
Entering your details:
At the beginning of each module you will be required to enter in your details. This information is used to populate your personalised
Certificate of Completion which will be issued to you on successful completion of the module.
Some fields are mandatory and must be filled in, these are:
- First name
- Last name
- Position - you will be required to fill this field using the drop down menu
- Email address
- Company name
You will then need to confirm your details are correct as you will not be able to change these once logged in. Please ensure that the details are correct before you confirm and submit. (Hover your mouse over the images below for a larger version)
Navigation through the modules:
Once your details are submitted you will see the following introduction page:
In the top right hand side of the screen you will see the start button. To start the module you will need to click this button. You will then be directed to the first slide of the module:
To navigate through the slides, you will see the forward and back arrows at the top right hand side of the page. Audio for the slide will start automatically, however, should you need to repeat the audio you may click on the repeat button between the two navigation arrows and the audio will play again.
Quick Find Index
Under the navigation bar you will find the Quick Find Index. This allows you to go back to topics you may be unsure of before you finish the module and take the assessment.
Notes and Tips
Throughout the module slides you will find helpful tips or special notes buttons containing important information you should know.
The tip buttons contain helpful hints on how to improve your productivity, efficiency and safety in the workplace. We recommend taking a look at these as you go through the module.
The note buttons contain further information you should know in relation to the topic being discussed on the slide. We recommend these are also looked at as you are going through the module.
Both the tip and note buttons have been conveniently located under the quick find index.
Should you have any further questions, please click below to contact us.